Wednesday, November 23, 2011

What Every Pet Parent Should Know about Thanksgiving Dinner

Thanksgiving is all about spending time with loved ones—human and animal alike. So it makes sense that we’re tempted to fix Fido a plate of all the scrumptious holiday food we’re eating, right? But wait! Put down the serving spoon. Are you sure that’s safe for your pet? Here’s what you need to know.

Ten Thanksgiving dangers. Some foods are totally off-limits to our furry pals (and there’s a full list of them at Ten of them are especially common around the holidays. Just say no to:

candy with xylitol
bread dough
batter with raw eggs
onions and garlic
macadamia nuts
raisins and grapes
rich or spicy foods

Let’s talk turkey.
Good news for Fido! ASPCA experts say a little bite of plain turkey is usually safe for pets. If you decide to share, remember: Only boneless, well-cooked turkey is OK. Giving your pet undercooked or bone-in turkey, fat or gristle, or cooked bones for chewing is not OK.

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